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Pain Relief - Sore Muscle Rub 40g

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Regular price ₱170.00

A sweet relaxing moment of self-care love, quick relief when applied to achy parts of the body so you can bounce back from a tough workout faster and capable of lasting for hours.
It also gives good relief for cough and colds, headache and abdominal cramps or dysmenorrhea.
This product has all natural ingredients good for our body.


Herb infusion of Chili, Ginger, Turmeric, Orange, and may also have Cinnamon, Star Anise, Clove, Organic VCO, Wintergreen Oil, Organic Raw Shea Butter, Menthol, Peppermint, Camphor and Vitamin E.

#musclebalm #painrelief #painreliever
#musclerelief #painrelief

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