Balms, Salves and Liniments

These are products guaranteed to induce medicinal effects to the skin and to the whole being. These are naturally and locally prepared to improve and preserve, something to balance life and health together. Magic potions, natural apothecary, from Nature with Love.
All Natural Lip Balm Pack
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱200.00
Baby Balm Healing Calendula Salve
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱113.00
Calendula Conditioning Lip Balm 5g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱125.00
Oregano Natural Conditioning Balm 40g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱138.00
Organic Yellow Beeswax
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱150.00
Pain Relief - Sore Muscle Rub 40g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱170.00
Peppermint Lip Balm 5g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱125.00
Plantain+Comfrey First Aid Healing Salve
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱159.00
Raw Cocoa Butter (Palawan Cocoa Butter)
Khrystal Beauty Essences
From ₱300.00
Renew & Restore Skin Regenerate Balm
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱113.00
Sweet Dreams Aromatherapy Oil 15ml
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱199.00

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