Miracle Skin Whitening Soap 125g

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Regular price ₱103.00

 Whitening * Nourishing * Moisturizing * Anti-Ageing * Non-Drying to the skin

Miracle Skin Whitening is a complete skin care soap for healthy skin. It promotes the formation of young skin, prevents acne and removes excess oils, lightens and whitens skin blemishes and keeps the skin firm, glowing and healthy. It is rich in Vitamin C and E with collagen, glutathione, kojic and arbutin. The unique blend will keep the skin radiant and younger looking all day.

This soap is handcrafted in small batches. It initially weighs approximately 125g, however it will continue to evaporate excess water and lose weight. This makes a finer, longer and lasting bar of soap.

INGREDIENTS: Coconut Oil, Water, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Papaya Extract, Calamansi Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Kojic Acid, Glutathione, Arbutin, Fragrance Oil Blend, Titanium Dioxide, Colorant


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