Home Mist (Room and Linen Spray)

Take time to de-stress with our Earth Friendly Room and Linen Sprays.

Beautifully curated and formulated light mists that fill your home with welcoming and wellbeing fragrances to help you relax, de-stress, boost your energy or lift your mood and sleep. Spritz on curtains, cushions and bed linen and the essential oils will be released into the air.

These natural home sprays will release beautiful aromas and scents in any room in your house. Harnessing the power of pure essential oils, these natural mists are free from synthetic chemicals and ingredients.

Use in a range of places around the home where you need help bringing a feeling of calm. Layer with our Beeswax All Natural Candles

Rose Delight

Lavender Calm

Citronella Insect Repellant (Serenity) Spray 100ml
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱119.00
Immunity Home Spray 100ml
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱113.00
Be Still Home Mist 100ml
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱125.00
Fresh Clean Home Mist 100ml
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱125.00
Tranquility Home Mist 100ml
Regular price ₱125.00

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