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Vitamin C Serum 30ml

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Regular price ₱224.00


Water, Vitamin C Powder, Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium PCA, Niacinamide, Gelling Agent, Phenoxyethanol.


Our Vitamin C Serum contains the natural vitamin c from the extracts of citrus fruits. It has a great benefit to healing the skin accompanied by acne and boost the immune function of skin cells. It increases natural collagen production of our skin, working to correct sun damage. The appearance of ageing skin as well as damaged or scarred skin may be improved through regular use of vitamin C serum.

Our Vitamin C Serum contains Citrus Fruit Extracts from the water soluble components (hydrosol) that is responsible for reducing discoloration and brightening skin. Formulated with Actipone Skin Lightening Botanical ingredient to also brighten the skin and achieve a fair complexion without any chemical bleaching agents. It will also keep your skin cool and refreshing and also said to relieve itchy skin and provide firmness.

If you have sensitive skin, test a small area of skin with vitamin C serum before applying it liberally. The most common side effect is a slight stinging on the skin upon application. (However the formulation of our Vitamin C serum is slightly reduced to between pH 5 and 6 to avoid such inconveniences and to avoid using unnecessary chemicals.)

How to Use:
Apply enough amount on clean skin avoiding eye area every day at night.

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