Cleansing Facial Toner

Perfection of Beauty

Regular price ₱135.00

Cleansing Face Toner is a gentle exfoliant containing salicylic acid - a naturally occurring beta hydroxy acid. The solution penetrated pores to dissolve sebum and dead skin cells. It reduces the number and severity of acne breakouts.

Our Cleansing Face toner is formulated carefully. Ideal for sensitive skin.

How to use: Cleanse face before applying. Use a cotton pad to apply the toner 1-3 times daily. If excessive drying or peeling occurs. reduce the application to once a day every other day. For best result use with other moisturizing or acne products.

INGREDIENTS: Water, Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin Niacinamide, Allantoin, Salicylic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium Lactate, Colorant


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