Turmeric-Papaya Soap

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Regular price ₱134.00

Turmeric-Papaya Soap is a natural antiageing soap that works best in dark circles, wrinkles oily and acne prone, hyperpigmentations and dry skin.

Turmeric has antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial and natural inflammatory properties. It helps lighten, soften and smooth the skin. It is also good as suntan remedy, reduces oily-ness of the skin and help get rid of acne.


Available in 3 variants:

  1. Aloe vera extract for extra healing and moisturizing
  2. Lemon extract for acne-prone/oily skin, and
  3. Milk for extra nourishment and glowing skin.


Made of Turmeric and Papaya - All natural ingredients
- lightens and protects skin
- Ideal for dry and sensitive skin or conditions with eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes, inflammation and other skin problems
- Helps reduce the signs of aging and reduces wrinkles based on the skin repairing components that the vitamins provide.

This soap is handcrafted in small batches. The soap initially weighs approximately 110g, however it will continue to evaporate excess water and lose weight. This makes a finer, longer and lasting bar of soap. Please also note that our soaps are hand cut so actual weight may vary slightly. We also customize order, send us a private message for the details. 

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