Skin Benefits of Nature's Skin Botanicals Coffee Soap
1. Anti-aging - Our Coffee Bar Soap when added to your daily skin care routine, it can reduce dryness, dull appearance and puffiness associated with aging. By encouraging additional blood flow to the skin’s surface, coffee beans can restore skin’s luminescence and provide a more youthful appearance.
2. Calming - Although this seems a counter in its common reaction, anti-oxidants in coffee beans provide a soothing effect and sense of calm and quiet when applied directly to the skin.
3. Exfoliant and Cellulite Reduction - It gets rid of the dry, old, dead skin cells and restore it to a more radiant and smooth appearance. Our Coffee Bar Soap, by stimulating blood flow, improves circulation and consequently the appearance of the skin.
4. Nourishing and Soothing - Our Coffee Bar Soap is rich in Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin/Niacinamide that nourishes to help fight/prevent non-melanoma skin cancers and other growths on the skin.

5. Exacerbate Acne with Antibacterial Properties - The chlorogenic acids found in coffee make it an effective acne-fighting agent and unclog pores.
6. Reduce Dark Circles Around Your Eyes - It can help reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.
7. Protect Your Skin from Sunburn - Coffee have natural anti-inflammatory properties. When the skin is subjected to too much sun and a sun burn results. Our Coffee Bar Soap can help reduce inflammation and sooth the skin.
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