Beauty Bar Soap

Beauty Soap is one of the first beauty product to clean our outer skin. Ours are all handcrafted and not so the commercially manufactured kind. We make our soap from the scratch, we select the best oils and purest, high quality active ingredients. We can add many different specialty ingredients too, to customize soaps for yourself, your family, friends and your clients. We can formulate soap for different types of skin such as, oily, dry and sensitive skin.
Acne Lemon soap with French Green Clay 125g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱105.00
Bleaching Black Soap 125g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Sale price ₱94.00 Regular price ₱105.00 Sale
GlutaCollagen Soap 125g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱116.00
Glutathione with Rosehip Soap 125g
Perfection of Beauty
Regular price ₱105.00
Miracle Skin Whitening Soap 125g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Sale price ₱103.00 Regular price ₱114.00 Sale
Nakamura 10x Whitening Bleaching Whipped Soap
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱30.00
Niacinamide with Glutathione & Papaya Soap 125
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱149.00
Placenta Orange Soap 135g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱100.00
Premium Kojic Acid Whitening Soap
Nature's Skin Botanicals
From ₱35.00
Rebrand Soaps 135g
Khrystal Beauty Essences
On Sale from ₱23.80 Regular price ₱35.00 Sale
Sakura Whitening Soap 110g
Nature's Skin Botanicals
Regular price ₱135.00
Khrystal Beauty Essences - Handcrafted Soap and Skin Care Products
Regular price ₱10.00

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