Underarm Whitening Meladerm Set

Perfection of Beauty

Sale price ₱359.00 Regular price ₱399.00

Meladerm Underarm Whitening set is a gentle underarm care. It has Vitamin B3 to help repair underarm damage. It brightens and lightens dark skin with body odour protection, helps prevent excessive sweating, up to 24 hours fresh feeling, slows down hair regrowth and minimizes chicken/rough underarm skin. It boosts the confidence to wear sleeveless tops all the time. 


  1. Lightens dark underarm skin
  2. Deodorant
  3. Anti-Perspirant
  4. Slows down hair re-growth
  5. Keeps skin smooth - no more chicken skin


Directions of Use

Morning Routine

1. Wash underarms using the Bleaching Black Soap. (Use it like your normal bathing routine in the morning)

2. Rinse well and pat dry your skin.

3. Apply Meladerm Underarm Spray. Shake well, hold it upright and spray 15cm from underarm and body for best application of the product.

Night Routine 

1. Wash underarms using the Bleaching Black Soap. (Use it like your normal bathing routine in the morning)

2. Rinse well and pat dry.

3. Apply the White & Bright Underarm whitening cream thinly. Leave it overnight.



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