Pure Milk Soap 125g

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Sale price ₱99.00 Regular price ₱110.00

- Goat’s milk soap has proteins that kill bacteria that produces acne. It is a natural alternative to products that may contain many harsh chemicals

- It contains many vitamins that help to nourish your skin and maintain it’s health. Vitamins include A, C, E, B1, B6 and B12.

- Because goat’s milk does not contain harsh chemicals, it is beneficial for those of sensitive skins or those with skin conditions such as eczema. It reduces skin irritations or itchiness.

- Goat’s milk reduces the signs of aging and reduces wrinkles based on the skin repairing components that the vitamins provide.

- The creamy components from goat’s milk helps your skin from going dry and promotes moisture in your skin.

- Goat’s milk has a pH level which is close to human’s pH level. This means that it allows nutrients to enter our skin, reduces drynesss whilst also preventing chemicals or bacteria entering the skin.

- Due to it containing hydra-alphoxy acids, this helps promotes skin rejuvenation meaning that it also helps in removing dead skin cells.

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