Shea Butter with Himalayan Salt Soap 110g

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Sale price ₱125.00 Regular price ₱139.00

Shea Butter is fatty substance that has multiple healing properties. This butter very popular in African continent. Ideal for various skin complaints such as:

- simple stretchmarks
- insect bites
- sore skin

Other skin benefits ideal for all ages
- protects the skin from harmful sun damage
- dry skin
- anti bacterial and anti microbial
- anti inflammatory
- emollient (excellent skin moisturizer)
- humectant (prevents skin from drying)

This soap is handcrafted in small batches. The soap initially weighs approximately 110g, however it will continue to evaporate excess water and lose weight. This makes a finer, longer and lasting bar of soap.

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