VitaNutri Glow Serum 20ml

Nature's Skin Botanicals

Sale price ₱179.00 Regular price ₱199.00

VitaNutri Glow is infused with essential skin care ingredients to revitalise and nourish skin. It has antioxidants to protect and brighten skin. Ideal for all skin types.

Features and Benefits
- smooth wrinkles and fine lines
- improves skin texture and complexion
- hydrates, firms and nourishes
- improves skin elasticity
- helps produce collagen in our skin
- good for sensitive skin
- non-comedogenic


  • Collagen - for skin repair and antiageing
  • Snail Secretion Filtrate and Hyaluronic acid - for hydration, moisturization and softens skin
  • Niacinamide and Glutathione - to lighten skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkle formation and improves the apperance of aged, hyperpigmented and photodamaged skin
  • VITAMINS C & E - to enhance the lightening, nourishing and moisturized effect to our skin

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